Zach Bryan, also known as Zachary Lane Bryan, emerges as a 27-year-old musical virtuoso from the captivating landscapes of Okinawa, Japan. Born on April 2, 1996, he has etched an indelible mark in the world of music. Standing at an imposing 5’10” and weighing around 163 lbs, Zach has solidified his place in the symphonic domain, with an estimated net worth ranging between $1 million and $5 million.
Zach Bryan’s musical prowess spans various genres, including country, alt-country, honky-tonk, and red dirt.
Zach Bryan’s net worth?
According to the information available up to 2024, Zach Bryan’s net worth was between $1 million and $5 million.
Instant bio
Name | Zach Bryan |
Full Name | Zachary Lane Bryan |
Age | 27 Years old as of 2024 (born on April 2, 1996) |
Birthplace | Okinawa, Japan |
Height | Approximately 5’10” |
Weight | Approximately 163 lbs |
Net Worth | Estimated $1 million – $5 million |
Occupation | Singer-songwriter |
Genre | Country, alt-country, honky-tonk, red dirt |
Notable Works | Albums: DeAnn (2019), From the Heartland (2020), Sun and Moon (2020), J.I.D. (2021), American Heartbreak (2022), Zach Bryan (2023); Singles: “Headcase” (2020) “God Speed” (2020), “Consecutive Heartbreaks” (2021), “All My Friends” (2022), “I Remember Everything” (2023), and “Something in the Orange” (2023) |
Girlfriend | Single |
Parents | Father: Jerry Bryan, Mother: Marjorie Bryan |
Siblings | MacKenzie Taylor |
Education | Graduate (Oologah-Talala High School in Oologah, Oklahoma) |
Nationality | American |
Religion | Shintoism |
zachlanebryan |
Who is Zach Bryan?
Delving into the identity of Zach Bryan, a 27-year-old musical virtuoso also known as Zachary Lane Bryan,. Standing tall at 5’10” and weighing approximately 163 lbs, his musical prowess spans genres such as country, alt-country, honky-tonk, and red dirt.
Zach Bryan family?
Zach Bryan’s family consists of his parents and a sister. Zach Bryan’s father’s name is Jerry Bryan, his mother’s name is Marjorie Bryan, and his sister’s name is MacKenzie. He has no girlfriend and is single yet. Apart from this, no information about the family is available anywhere.
What is Zach Bryan Age?
27 Years old as of 2024 (born on April 2, 1996)
Social Media Links
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IMDB | Click Here |
What is Zach Bryan Age?
27 Years old as of 2024
Zach Bryan’s net worth?
Estimated $1 million – $5 million